Find Spatial Medicine at Performance Pilates & Fascia

In this recent podcast, Karin Locher, founder of  the Centre for Spatial Medicine explains what fascia is, how we benefit from being aware of it, and what happens to our fascia when we endure stress or trauma…physically and emotionally.  The conclusion of the podcast will have you thinking “this would be great for everybody!” In the podcast Karin points out that we are only at the beginning of this huge realization in human anatomy and movement. Now that “Fascia” has become a buzzword in the fitness industry, people are becoming more curious and open to learning more. The big question at the end of the podcast was about getting the word out about Spatial Medicine. The answer is more podcast discussions, client testimonials & referrals, and more blogs. During the off-air banter, the question arose, “Why aren’t the pros using this work”? Is it because they don’t know about it yet? We understand that the pros have a specific protocol to follow.  However it breaks my heart to see a Texan carted off the field with a season ending injury, and the Astros being robbed of the talents of Carlos Correa and Aaron Sanchez so close to the playoffs. It’s only a matter of time before Spatial Medicine is embraced by professional sports organizations. Until then we are excited to be among the few at the forefront of this profoundly different work, that results in real “change” for our regular clients. We should be working on pro athletes weekly restoring fascia, freeing up movement, keeping them healthy and more resilient to go out there to play and win!   The healing properties of Spatial Medicine, and fascial movement apply to anybody with a body, including you!

I recently wrote a blog and Facebook post about 3 ways we could help Carlos Correa and Aaron Sanchez recover from their injuries following the recent Astros win over the Tigers.  There is no doubt that the Spatial Medicine techniques we use in the Pilates Studio to restore fascia could help them recover faster to be ready for the playoffs.  

There are 14 Certified Spatial Medicine Pilates Teachers in Texas, including my studio business partner Michelle, and myself. Most of us are right here in the Houston area!  In fact we are the only 14 Certified Spatial Medicine practitioners in the USA! More information on fascia, Spatial Medicine, practitioners, and workshops here in Texas and abroad at

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